Toning tools

There are four toning tools within Photonyx.

tb_dodge-u_s.jpg (979 octets)the dodge tool,


tb_dodge-s_s.jpg (1001 octets)the burn tool


tb_sponge-u_s.jpg (1017 octets)the sponge - saturate tool


tb_sponge-s_s.jpg (987 octets)the sponge - desaturate tool.




  • Dodge

tb_dodge-u_s.jpg (979 octets)The dodge tool is used to lighten a portion of the image by dragging across it. This tool is named after a traditional film exposure technique where photographs wave a paddle thingies over the film negative to diffuse light.

  • Select the dodge tool from the toolbar (O). If another toning tool is currently displayed on the toolbar, Alt-click on it or press the O key to change the current toning tool.
  • Modify options in the Dodge options palette.

note.jpg (8965 octets)If you're using the burn tool simply Alt click to apply the dodge tool. Or switch to the other one using the related drawer in the Burn-Dodge options palette.


  • Burn

tb_dodge-s_s.jpg (1001 octets)This tool enables you to render the opposite effect as the dodge tool. Just like if you were focusing light to "burn" a film negative, the burn tool darkens the image.

  • Select the burn tool from the toolbar (O). If another toning tool is currently displayed on the toolbar, Alt-click on it or press the O key to change the current toning tool.
  • Modify options in the Burn options palette.

note.jpg (8965 octets)If you're using the dodge tool simply Alt click to apply the burn tool.  Or switch to the other one using the related drawer in the Burn-Dodge options palette.


  • Sponge - Saturate

tb_sponge-u_s.jpg (1017 octets)The sponge tool is useful for subtly increasing or reducing the saturation in an area. In fact there are two sponge tools, one allowing you to saturate the image (Sponge saturate) and its opposite the Sponge - desaturate tool.

Select the Sponge saturate tool from the toolbar (O). If another toning tool is currently displayed on the toolbar, Alt-click on it or press the O key to change the current toning tool.

note.jpg (8965 octets)If you're using the Sponge - desaturate tool simply Alt click to apply the opposite tool : Sponge saturate. The same is also true for the Sponge - saturate Alt-click to apply is dual. You can


  • Sponge - desaturate.

tb_sponge-s_s.jpg (987 octets)The opposite of the Sponge - saturate tool, the sponge - desaturate enables you to desaturate the image.

  • Select the Sponge desaturate tool from the toolbar (O). If another toning tool is currently displayed on the toolbar, Alt-click on it or press the O key to change the current toning tool.
  • Modify options in the Desaturate options palette.